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Food ..Role in health & Natural urges


is an important factor in the maintenance of good health, is healthiest when eaten in proper quantities (depending upon the power of digestion and the metabolism of the individual). The right quantity of food is the amount that, without disturbing the equilibrium of tissues and doshas of the body, gets digested as well as metabolized in proper time. The power of digestion varies with individual metabolisms.

In Ayurveda – Wisdom of Life [Veda = Wisdom; Ayur = Life] may also be said to be the \’dance of life\”) food is characterized as light or heavy. Food that is light, is rich in the qualities of air and fire. Those dominated by earth and water are heavy. Light food stimulates appetite and are less harmful, even if eaten in excess of the prescribed quantity.

On the other hand, food that is heavy suppresses appetite and is exceedingly harmful if taken in excess unless the power of digestion and metabolism are greatly reinforced by physical exercise. If the food is heavy, only three-fourths or half of the stomach should be filled. Even in the case of light food, excessive intake is not conducive to the processes of digestion and metabolism.

Regimen for the Night (Ratricharya)

Proper sleep endows an individual with nourishment, strength, virility, knowledge, longevity and happiness. On the other hand, improper sleep causes misery, emaciation, sterility and even early death. Untimely and excessive sleep as well as prolonged vigil take away both happiness and longevity.

Depending on the causative factors, there are seven types of sleep:

  • (1) sleep caused by lethargy,
  • (2) sleep caused by vitiation of Kapha,
  • (3) sleep caused by mental exertion,
  • (4) sleep caused by physical exhaustion,
  • (5) exotic type of sleep (agantuka) which is caused by artificial means like sedatives,
  • (6) sleep caused by diseases,
  • (7) sleep caused by nightfall when the body naturally demands sleep or physiological sleep.

It is not advisable to sleep during the day in seasons other than summer. Doing so causes vitiation of Kapha and Pitta. Obese people who are used to unctuous substances, those with a Pitta constitution, those suffering from diseases due to vitiation of Kapha and those suffering from artificial poisoning (which happens when substances are incompatible are mixed and consumed either deliberately or inadvertently; honey in hot water can act as a poison) should never sleep during the day.

This could lead to liver problems, heaviness of the body, fever, loss of digestive power, edema, anorexia, nausea, urticaria, eruption, abscess, drowsiness, coughing, diseases of the throat, impairment of the memory and intelligence, obstruction of the circulatory channels of the body and weakness of sensory or motor organs.

Sleeping during the day in all seasons is permitted for those who are exhausted by singing, studying, alcoholic drinks, elimination therapy, carrying heavy weights, walking long distances; those suffering from diarrhea, colic pain, difficult breathing, insanity; those who are too old, too young, weak and emaciated; those injured by fall and assault; those exhausted by a journey, vigil, anger, grief and fear. In summer, nights become shorter and Vata gets aggravated in the body due to absorption of fluid because of perspiration. Therefore, during this season, sleep during the day is allowed.

Lying on your left side for a few minutes activates right nostril breathing, this significantly improves your digestion.

After lunch rest for a while.
After dinner walk for a mile

Learn more about Food and different tastes

Natural Urges

The living body has some natural urges. They are the urge to urinate, to defecate, to have sexual intercourse, pass wind, for vomiting, sneezing, yawning, hunger, thirst, tears and sleep. Inhibition of these natural urges leads to many complications. These complications affect digestion and metabolism which in turn can lead to several kinds of ailments. Therefore, in order to sleep enough at night, it is essential to see that the body’s natural urges are never curbed.

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