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Buy Smart Endo/LSX Instruments Now

The Next Generation Smar Roary/ LightSpeed LSX instruments are like no other. These are non tapered NiTi instruments and can be used in your own routine contra angle handpiece. LSX cleans where you need to clean ie the most important APICAL part of the ROOT, giving you success with ease case after case. Try them NOW. They must be used at 2500 rpm. Use of 17% liquid EDTA (make your own almost free of cost) for irrigation for the instruments to glide smoothly in the canals.

These instruments can be used case after case without any fear of seperation and thus are most economical, these come in normal ISO sizes and in 21, 25 and 31 mm lenghts. For a start we would suggest you take one set of 25mm A B and C, A is 20-45 B is 50-80 and C is 90-130. Once you use them you will never touch anything else ever. To attend a trainig session click on Training and courses link in the right side bar. To download Technique guide step by step click here.

These instruments are now sold by Kerr Endo, contact your local Kavo/Kerr dealer to buy them, if you face problems contact us

Put 50 gms of EDTA salt in 300 ml distilled warm water, stir it ( it will not fully dissolve), then put 5-10 gm NaOH in this liquid and you will see the liquid quickly becomes totally transparent. Store in a dark bottle.