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Key points for Fellowship in Rotary Endodontics

Now it is a must to attend our one week Rotary Endo training program as a prerequisite to apply for fellowship

Good quality Endo based on science is RARE indeed, if you are one doing it, we welcome you for award of FIARE.

The fellowship implies that you are doing the root canal treatment with rotary system and all the procedures you follow have sound current scientific basis. Please CHECK that you comply with the following, If you have any doubts feel free to email us.

Carefully check these Six points before you make application for fellowship, these are :

1. Are you using a reliable apex locator of good quality to determine working length ? CLICK HERE

2. What basis are you using to determine apical diameter (working width) ? in other words "how are you doing apical gauging" which decides what is the apical size to finish with. CLICK HERE

3. Are you using rubber dam, else how do you to manage to keep saliva away in difficult teeth ?

4. What is the irrigation protocol used and are you using any specialised device ? CLICK HERE

5. How many sittings you took to complete RCT, what is the justification for multiple sittings ?

6. Is your diagnosis based on sound foundation, what was your provisional diagnosis and what did you find when you entered the pulp chamber. CLICK HERE

Look at how the presenation of cases has to be presented CLICK HERE

NOTE: If you do not feel confident on any of the points below, then we suggest you attend our course and then apply for fellowship.

Also have a look at this- common reasons for rejection. CLICK HERE