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Personalised diet plan for Pitta

While classifying various “prakritis”, ayurvedic texts have described that persons with “pitta” dominance have the best appetite and a strong digestive system. They usually get away with occasional dietary aberrations but the effects of a consistently wrong diet may effect them through metabolic disorders and infectious diseases. “Pitta” is generally aggravated by sour, salty and pungent tastes whereas eatables of sweet, bitter and astringent tastes have a pacifying effect on it.

“Pitta” people are medium built persons having warm and moist skin which is prone to moles, freckles and early wrinkling.

They usually possess moderate, fine and soft hair but also have a tendency to get premature graying of them or even becoming bald. Profuse sweating, a strong body odour and a feeling of extreme discomfort in hot and humid weather are their other characteristic features. Usually they possess sharp intellect, are methodical and are also forceful about expressing their ideas and feelings. They have a tendency to become irritable and tense under stressful conditions.

Ayurveda advises that persons having an overwhelmingly “pitta” humour should choose a diet plan which has more of a cold post-digestive effect. Usually three regular meals are sufficient for them but these should not be taken in angry, irritable and upset mood.

Most of the whole grains with barley, rice and wheat in order of preference are good for “pitta” persons. Small amounts of legumes except the red one suit them. Having an excessive urge for food and thirst, they are advised not to eat beyond their capacity, but should consume sufficient water in routine.

As most of the fruits are cooling, calming, harmonising and thirst-relieving, they make the best of the evening refreshment for “pitta” people.

As too much of sour taste is unsuitable to them, they should take juice of citrus fruits after mixing it up with a little of sugar. Similarly, they can take most of the vegetables but should avoid an excessive use of tomatoes, garlic, methi and brinjal which are hot in effect. As most of the “pitta” persons have high metabolism, they digest and assimilate all nutrients in the food very quickly.

“Pitta” people are also well able to digest dairy products, particularly milk. Though moderate use of unsalted butter and ghee is good for them, they should consume curd only after blending it with water and a small quantity of sugar.

Most of the oils are hot and greasy in nature and should be used in small quantity. Nuts are again warm and oily and should be avoided. Only coconut has the exception of being oily but at the same time cool in effect.

Fresh coconut juice has been described as the best anti-dote of many “pitta” related diseases. It cures hyperacidity, is nourishing and very beneficial if given in recurrent mouth ulcers, hemorrhagic conditions and in burning micturition.

Almost all spices are hot in effect, but still “pitta” persons tend to take them in excess. They are advised to use less of spicy food and if ever they want to use pepper, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and hing, their hot potency can be neutralised by adding cardamom, mint and coriander (dhania). Although most of them need a good amount of nourishing diet, still they are best suited to be a vegetarian. As red meat is too intense for them, they can occasionally consume a small amount of poultry meat or egg without yolk.

Excessive and prolonged use of tobacco, coffee and alcohol also has an adverse and irritating effect on them. Ayurveda believes that amla among the herbs is the best and all-round medicine for “pitta” people.

By adding a little of sugar with it, one or two gm of its dry powder, if taken with milk or water once a day, is the best and safe home remedy to sooth and cleanse their system.

Diet plan for Vata

Diet plan for Pitta

Diet plan for Kabha

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