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Why does one get ill?

Reproduced from- Prof B M Hegde- J MGIMS, March 2013, Vol 18, No (i), 1 – 5

Today, medical science is focused on disease, not health

The all-powerful science still does not have an answer to the simple question "WHY". Charles Sherrington, a Nobel Laureate physiologist, said in 1899 that "positive sciences do not and cannot answer the question 'why’.” They can, at best, answer "how" or "how much" but not "why". Peter Medawar, another Nobel Laureate physician, in his book, "Limits of Science" also felt that the ultimate questions cannot be answered by science because science, as it is today, is not designed to answer such questions! Naturally, questions like why, existence of God etc are not addressed. Really Want more, Google for book “Blinded by Science” by Matthew Silverstone

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Caged by Science

Now that quantum physics has broken some of the scientific shackles, we might be able to answer such questions, if not right now; but certainly in the very near future. Hans Peter Durr's "a-duality" hypothesis has shown the way forward, in that matter is but the other face of energy like the advaita philosophy of Sankhya School. Therefore, human body in reality, is only an illusion of the human mind. Consequently, there will be nothing called mind and body. It is mind-body as one. This puts an end to reductionism, which is the bane of modern medical statistical science. There will no more be psychosomatic diseases; all diseases are in the human mind. Health could now be defined as "enthusiasm to work and enthusiasm to be compassionate."

Let us allow our students to think for a change. We have never allowed that to happen so far lest our scientific fort should be invaded by a thinking student. It is not for nothing that Nobel Laureate Alexis Carell wrote that "every new born child is a genius only to be converted into an idiot in school.”

We have built such a strong compound wall around our arrogant science that dissenters cannot enter inside, thanks to our peer review system and our tight control over our cloistered indexed journal system. History teaches us that if a King lives only on the advice of his sycophants and does not allow dissenting voices to reach his ears, that kingdom would not last long. The kingdom of modern science has started collapsing slowly. Many thinkers feel science needs to change for good as shown below.

"There is no logic to science. Scientists create and adhere to scientific theories for what are ultimately subjective and even irrational reasons. It cannot be denied that the chief engine of human destructiveness has been the phenomenal success of science in the 20 century." - Paul Karl Feyerabend ; in his classic “Against Method” 1975.

"Intellectual integrity made it quite impossible for me to accept the myths and dogmas of even very great scientists, more particularly of the belligerent and so-called advanced nations. Indeed, those intellectuals who accepted them were abdicating their functions for the joy of feeling themselves at one with the herd." - Bertrand Russell.

"Theories cannot be derived from facts. The demand to admit only those theories which follow from facts leaves us without any theory. Hence, science as we know it can exist only if we drop the demand and revise our methodology." - David Hume, Scottish philosopher.

Can't Exclude Consciousness

Let me now come to my new hypothesis. This hypothesis needs the support of Max Planck's strong views on consciousness, which medical science has ignored for very long to its own detriment. Planck wrote years ago that "Consciousness is fundamental. All matter is derived from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. ”

Consciousness is the universal wisdom of which human mind is but a small fragment (individual consciousness). In the medical field we have lost ourselves in knowing how one gets ill. We were very logical in our quest for that question "how."

There was a time when our ancestors thought diseases were due to bad spirits or the wrath of Gods. Malaria was thought to be due to bad air (mal aria). Then came the era of germs as our enemies; from the time of Joseph Lister and Louis Pasteur.

Pharma Companies Prosper

Thanks to Theobald Smith, an American Physician, who in 1915 propounded the Grimm's Law, which states that "while disease might be directly proportionate to the virulence of its cause, it is inversely proportionate to the resistance of the host?" Host resistance or immunology came into existence then but it took another 70 years for it to get wings in 1981 when two white young men on either side of the Atlantic died of identical disease which has become famous now as AIDS.

A very recent 2011 study led by Professor Bingel of Oxford did show how the placebo effect is probably the only good effect of all our efforts to date. In the last 50-100 years newer theories of diseases emerged where the therapy was connected to disease theories in a big way. They got a great push after the deadly contagious diseases were apparently defeated thanks to the discovery of penicillin in the 1940s. That was the theory of risk factors. Using these theories greedy pharmaceutical lobby made hay when the sun was still shining on the risk factors.

The death and disability scenario hardly changed with this theory. But everything under the sun became a risk for illness and the industry had a ready answer by way of a new pill or a new device to intervene (go in between with malice). The divine interventionists, aided and abetted by the industry, went hammer and tongs against all human ills. The result has been, according to a recent audit that the medical establishment has become the leading cause of death and disability in the world!

Drugs have become a curse instead of a boon. Curiously now we use germs, which are a part of us and are our friends, to cure illnesses. Recent studies at Johns Hopkins of using human feces (faecal transplant) with its normal germ content to cure deadly super-bug infections of the gut by such silly germs like Clostridium dificile have shown that germs ARE our 7 friends in need.

We have come one full circle from germs as enemies to germs as friends. Human meta-genome has just 25,000 human genes while its has trillions of germ genes making a mockery of our efforts at genetic engineering and other related efforts, another strong blow to reductionism in medicine.

Creating Disease

According to John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the leading Economists, "those corporations do not use advertising to inform us about products that might state our independently determined desires. Rather, the function of advertising and marketing is "to bring into being wants that previously did not exist." Galbraith calls this "the dependence effect," and goes on to argue that this is an indictment of the entire system of capitalistic production, which is no more defensible than a town doctor routinely running over pedestrians in order to keep the hospital beds full.

The last example of Galbraith has now been shown to be true in the medical field where disease mongering is the rule rather than exception-(click to read book). Galbraith would not have dreamt of that happening when he wrote his book Affluent Society in the 1950s. Drugs are now advertised on TV in the USA!

Coming Back to the Basics

We need a paradigm shift in our thinking as to "why" people get sick and not how; in the background of what quantum physics has taught us. All diseases, according to Ayurveda, originate in the mind. The same holds good in quantum physics today.

Our present understanding is that the human body is bundle of vibrating leptons which are held in 50-100 trillion individual body cells. Though the cells in different parts of the body have different shapes to suit their convenience, they all work identically. Metaphorically the human body is colony of 50-100 trillion individual human beings who lived as independent living organisms for millions of years before coming together as a colony. Each cell has its own mind (in the cell wall) and is capable of all activities that the whole body is capable of.

One can now track the photon light emission from each atom in the human cell. This bio-photon camera of physicist Fritz-Albert Popp can now photograph the body to show if all the cells are in sync. If they are not in sync one is ill. When they are in sync, one is healthy.

Our cells love one another so much that they work together for our common good. If, for any reason, we hate another person (whom our cells love, anyway) the cells get confused with that "me-you" concept. This hatred (or greed, jealousy, anger, pride, super ego etc) might sow the seeds of a new malady in our system. Every single disease from common cold to cancer will have this root cause-the "why" of disease. From then on individual diseases chart their own course based on the environmental circumstances and our meta-genetic make up.

An example to understand how body cells work in tandem
When one gets a silent heart attack, the first change that occurs is the cell death at the core of the heart muscle cut off from its blood supply suddenly. If no one interferes, the neighboring cells feel sorry and slip out of their moorings in the heart muscle wall to take the place of the dead cells. As soon as a cell slips out, the collagen skeleton that holds the cell feels the pinch to produce extra collagen to help the slipped cell. Now the healthy cells far away from the dead cells, which can not slip that far, try to become stronger (hypertrophy). By this time one gets a strongly remodeled heart again without outside help!

The Disease is not the Problem

The sequence of cell death, cell slipping, fibroblastic proliferation and hypertrophy are all mediated through our emergency service, the autonomic nervous system. One wonders at the wisdom of the human body in having this auto-doctor with the best healing technique inbuilt into our system.

One wonders how reductionist medical science lost sight of these auto-healers in the human system in the first place. May be, outside intervention was our primary goal in the reductionist medical science. In the present holistic thinking, where consciousness holds the reigns of running the human body under all circumstances of health and disease, things get better understood.

It is only in the unlikely event of the body's built-in healer failing, do symptoms develop. Outside help might be needed only at this stage to help the internal machine, the so called placebo effect, described above. This boils down to Hippocratic affirmation that a doctor "cures rarely, comforts mostly but, consoles always." It is not surprising, therefore, that our misguided efforts to intervene in the pre-symptomatic stages of illnesses have landed us in a mess.

The time isn't too far when instead of going for the drug shelf to get relief from an odd headache, we would sit down to meditate to achieve a stage of relaxation where our own forebrain secretes enough opioids to relieve our pain. A study published a week ago (November 2012) has clearly shown that meditation would help most degenerative disease sufferers.

We have come a full circle. Hippocrates wrote that we should study our patient more than his disease, quantum physics tells us that the patient is the only one that we need to concentrate on. This is called Whole Person Healing (WPH), a neologism introduced by that great scientist, Late Professor Rustum Roy of Sol-Gel fame.

Human body being energy which is seen as vibrations of varying frequency, the future treatments in the symptomatic stage of illnesses should logically use energy methods to heal. We have been working on this for the last decade under the aegis of our World Academy of Authentic Healing Sciences where we have a group of world renowned scientists helping us.

Our findings have been getting published, albeit slowly, thanks to the peer review rock fort built around science publications where the peer knows only what is already known. Sixth sense does not work there.

There seems to be some ray of hope in the distant horizon. May God help mankind to survive despite the medical establishment of drugs and interventions. Humane doctors will always be needed as long as mankind lives on this planet.

NOTE: Minor changes to this article have been made to faclitate easier understanding by laypersons

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