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Mastering the Thoughts

Everything exists in thoughts, people, situations, worries, insecuries etc. Remove thoughts and there is divine silence waiting for you to be experienced. Just ponder over this ..Eliminate the thought and there goes all your baggage. Strange though is the fact that God gives you memory in a limited way, if you had memory of many lives then you would probably understand in a better context.

Whenever you are bothered by any lingering thought, simply ask yourself three questions and witness it, and you will see it become feeble in no time.

  • What is the Origin of your thought ?
  • How is it progressing ?
  • Where has it dissipated ?

Like waves in the ocean disappear in the same sea they had originated from, thoughts emerge from and merge back into the same mind. If you start riding these waves, there is no way of knowing where you will end. A thought that is appeasing today could well be disturbing tomorrow. Solution lies in going beyond thoughts because like waves are waves and thoughts are thoughts, just try to be a witness and you will see how quickly they fade away.

Also try to understand what drives your thought, just like powerful breeze brings big tidal waves, Desires, expectation, Fear and attachment are the key drivers of your thoughts, watch and you will be able to gradully underastand patterns and then overcome them.

Read this excellent article to understand difference between thought and thinking Read Article

Also read this paper ...Silencing your Mind

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