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India s most popular Healer- Story of Patrick from Goa

  1. Patrick's Healing Mantra
  2. Article on Patrick 1-by Leher Kala
  3. Article on Patrick 2- by Gaurav Schimar-Read Below

India s most popular Healer- Story to Patrick from Goa

I was battling for my life in hospital, when the door flung open and a man who had no business disturbing my pitiful existence, waved his hands in the air and told me that he would see me soon. Even though he had the most tranquil smile I’d ever seen, I let out a loud scream of despair in my mind – couldn’t I be left in peace even now?”

Sandhya goes on to say that before she could mouth a word of protest, the man disappeared. But the stranger’s appearance changed something very fundamental in Sandhya’s life. Sandhya was fighting for her life and the doctors had given her very little hope that she would survive. Uncannily, after the appearance of that stranger, she recovered miraculously. “Later, I found out more about him and went and met him whenever I could. He helped me to not only overcome my ailment but has changed my attitude towards life completely,” Sandhya says.

Meet Patrick Sanfrancesco, a man who has led many lives full of angst and despair towards hope.

Aditi, who had just emerged out of a bitter divorce and was fighting a custodial battle, is another example. Her life, she says, was living hell till Patrick made an appearance. “Though the circumstances remained the same, he changed something inside me. I realised what life is really about. Patrick told me to ‘just be’. He taught me that I was not just a part of the universe, but the universe itself,” Aditi said. Armed with the mystical yet logical insights gained through the guidance of Patrick, Aditi completely transformed her life. “Like so many other people have over the years,” she adds with a wide smile.

Rocking healer

You’ll almost always find Patrick sporting long hair, a beard and a white t-shirt. You would, in fact, be excused for mistaking him for a bohemian rock star, had it not been for his serene eyes and the positive energy radiating from him. At 52, he looks at least 10 years younger and has the most uplifting smile possible.

As a child, Patrick was incapacitated by paralysis and then went into a coma. He says that he recovered from both because of his unwavering faith. However, it was not till he lost everything in the stock market crash when he was 27 years old that he realised that he was not meant for material things. He left everything and began healing people in Goa. Of course, since he did not have any source of income and did not charge the hundreds of people he healed, all his savings ran out one day. “Eating the last loaf of bread I could buy, I knew that the same God, who had led me to heal people, would also take care of me.” True to his belief, on learning of Patrick’s financial state, the people who he had healed came out in full force to help him. With the help of these donations, Patrick started an orphanage in Goa which he still runs along with other shelters he has established across the country.

The way of faith

Early in life, Patrick learnt how to get what he wants from the universe. He fondly recalls an incident when he was four years old and he prayed to St Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Goa “to not get any homework, ever!” It was no surprise that throughout his school years, he never got any homework! “You have to have faith,” he says, adding, “Have complete and innocent faith like a small child has in a mother and there is no way you won’t get what you want. Take it for granted that you’ll get what you want. There are no two ways about it. However, though you may wish for something, it’ll only come true if it’s meant for you.”

The healer at work Patrick also does not believe in right and wrong. There is only what is meant to be. If things don’t go our way, there’s nothing wrong. It just means that what we planned for was just not meant to be. If we could realise this simple fact of life, we‘d be much happier.

Ask Patrick what keeps him grounded despite having the power to heal so many and he says, “When I was 11, I dreamt one night that I could walk on air. I woke up elated, and told my mother about the dream. She simply said that it was no big deal. What’s the use of walking on air? Is it going to help anyone or anything other than probably save some leather? That brought me back to earth and was a turning point in my life.”

Patrick has a degree in law, accountancy and medicine and has extensively studied alternative therapies. “I realised that a lot of problems arose due to a lack of money and resulting legal complications. Learning helps me in identifying the root cause of the problem. I solve the problem to take the stress away. Once the stress goes, the ailment goes.” But how does he cure people of their maladies, physical, emotional, professional or any other kind? “By just wanting it to happen!” he smiles. How else can you explain how this man can diagnose diseases while speaking to you on the phone and heal you without laying a finger on your person? “It’s the most obvious thing! All of us have the power to make it happen. We just need to believe. Have unwavering faith and seek with innocence.” He clarifies, “I am not helping anyone. To say that I help would be condescending. Whatever I do, is because I want to.”

But why do we face so many problems? Patrick has a sound explanation, “Most problems arise out of greed, which is cloaked under a very respectable term called ‘mission’. The motive behind greed is insecurity. People are so insecure that they want more and more.”

Patrick, who heals hundreds on a daily basis, wants people to realise their inherent potential. “I am waiting for the day when no one will come to me. I will be happiest when people can take care of their problems themselves,” says Patrick. He has therefore pioneered the Light Movement – meditation and healing workshops, so others can imbibe the art of healing. Healing, Patrick explains, is not an individual’s effort. It is the process of channelling the energy of the universe by anyone who has purity of spirit. Besides pioneering the Light Movement, Patrick also supports the Samarpan Trust, which, besides working towards various social causes, is also constructing shelters for those affected in Ladakh.

Let me conclude with one more miraculous help. Vinita’s brother had run away from home after a fight. A friend led her to Patrick who simply said, “I’ll take care of it.” “I couldn’t believe my ears when within minutes I heard from my mother that my brother, who we hadn’t heard from for days, had just called her!”

Ask him what message he has for people and he says, “The mantra of life should be simplicity, clarity, peace, kindness, happiness and love. “The way to live your life is to look at your past with understanding, your future with faith and your present with love, lots of it.”

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