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India s most popular Healer- Story of Patrick from Goa

  1. Patrick's Healing Mantra - Scroll down
  2. Article on Patrick 1-by Leher Kala
  3. Article on Patrick 2- by Gaurav Schimar

This healing is without any conventional medicine or any alternative medicines. The healing is affected through direct access to universal energy or 'absolute'. Basic Philosophy of Healing

The 6 word mantra that you do not recite but you practice it: Clarity, Simplicity, Peace, Kindness, Happiness, Love.

In Clarity is an ascendancy over three selves: the mental, the physical and the emotional selves. The lack of any mysticism.

Simplicity: no rituals, no set norms, no fixed ideas.

Peace is not just quiet and solitude. Peace is harmonizing, fitting in. If the environment is noisy, then be noisy. To be calm in a noisy environment is to disturb the peace of the environment, because you are not 'fitting in'.

Kindness comes from the German word 'kinder', child. Relating to anybody as you would relate to a child - that is with understanding - is what kindness is all about.

Happiness is usual thought of as a feeling or an emotion. We constantly say 'If I get this, I will be happy', 'If this happens I'll be happy'. But, in reality, happiness is an attitude. If you have the attitude of happiness you are happy anyway.

Love is the most misused word in the world. Poets and songwriters, novelist and others have tried in vain to describe love and have failed miserably. When love is spoken of, it is usually with a condition: I love you because... (you are so handsome, you are so sweet, you are so smart, you are my son, you are my spouse, etc.). In reality, love is a state of being, pure and unconditional.


To understand healing one must understand purity. Purity can not be achieved and remain static. One does not attain purity period! Purity is an ongoing process. It is a daily battle against anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, guilt, regret, spiked, hurt, resentment, grudges, gossip, stress, fears, insecurity, and such. Visualize a block of salt with a hole drilled through the center. If water is allowed to flow through the hole after a period of time the salt completely dissolves and all you have is water. So must it be when channeling healing energy. You must cease to exist just as the salt block. This is the concept of no self. No any person is a 'healer'. The energy heals, not a person. Should you choose to channel this energy, then follow the guide of these six mantra's. Thus, anybody can do it! visit his website

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